Main span truss from center walkway.
Center walkway looking towards Newport. The Newport approachspans descend gradually towards
the shore.
The abandoned railroad side, viewed from the center walkway.
Mt. Adams is visible in the background.
Worker access to upstream navigation beacon.
Railroad side approach spans, looking towards Newport.
Girders which supported the west street car track were welded off witha blow torch.
Thanks to the pedestrian conversion, they can now be seen.
From this angle, more of the blow torched street car girders can beseen.
Navigation beacons? Bug zappers? These mysterious blue lights were installed after the
recent renovation work.
During the 2002 repainting, every necessary andunnecessary piece of the bridge was painted.
1. HistoricL&N Bridge Photos and Post Cards
2. L&NBridge Photos 1999-2001
3. RecentL&N Bridge photos -- General
4. RecentL&N Bridge Photos -- Newport approach
5. RecentL&N Bridge Photos -- Cincinnati approach
6. RecentL&N Bridge Photos -- Details